Empowering Girls to

We are a south suburban Chicago after-school learning and mentoring program for middle- and high-school girls that lovingly provides academic, cultural, and financial literacy activities to build confidence and competency for careers, college, and entrepreneurship.

– WGGT’S mission –

What Is Our “Why?”

When Girls Get Together, Inc. (WGGT) was founded in 2021 to support middle- and high-school-aged African-American females following research revealing that they are increasingly vulnerable to childhood trauma, sexual violence, sex trafficking, and lack equitable access to mental health and social support. Add those threats to the standard obstacles faced by people of color, such as systemic racism and lack of career preparedness.

Proud girls with certificates


Getting It TOGETHER!

Girls experience success, build confidence, and prepare for a strong future.


The Arts

WGGT has a structured arts program that features visual arts, music, and dance each week. Girls enjoy expressing their creativity, learning and practicing social skills, and experiencing accomplishments.


Financial Literacy & Entrepreneurship

We teach girls how to manage money effectively, avoid debt and economic insecurity, and lay a foundation for future financial security.

Our entrepreneurship program provides hands-on experience in selling products and services.



Women from corporate and academic professions, as well as entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders generously guide and counsel our girls to help them navigate the challenges of being a girl of color in America.

Stepping Out with Confidence

Our annual Daddy-Daughter Dance is another way we reinforce to our girls that they have the support they need to overcome any obstacle.